Sunday 18 November 2012

Life Drawing: November 15th Edition

Life drawing!  Life drawing!  Hmm...haven't posted much else recently.  I'll get some other stuff up here at some point.  Probably.

Not a lot of 1s on here this time.  Mostly because I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with gestures.  I'm usually pretty happy with the gesture that I use to build up a longer pose, but as a drawing itself, I'm still trying to find the mix of roughness and completeness.

Someone left a stump of bright green and blue pastel at my spot, so I tried 'em out.

I like the hand on this one, and maybe parts of his left shoulder.

This one has some nice line weight going on.  Structure seems decent.  Probably better if I can find an eraser and dial back the disaster around his eyes.

This one felt pretty good.  Arm feels a little flat in the shoulder, but not bad.

Pop quiz hotshot:  What part of this drawing is totally made up?

Do you give up?

Here's a hint: It's one of the arms...

So I made up the left arm here.  I know it's not that big of a deal, I often change the pose a bit when drawing.  On this one I liked what was happening but was kind of annoyed because the left arm was perfectly hidden in front of the models body.  Oddly enough I think the light saber part was really there.  The arm change also affected the shoulder position and shoulder blades.

A page of 1s.

I like the feel of this one, especially the feet.

Sometimes on longer poses I struggle to find additional structure to define with line.  The usual next step is trying to busy it up with shading, but this time I tried busying it up with contours.  Then I think I redid the gesture in 10-15 seconds, which I like better.

This one came out pretty well.  Alright hands, feet, and face.  Not bad not bad.  Seated poses can be interesting because you can draw at a larger scale than a standing pose and still fit everything in.

That's it.  And to get you pumped for the next batch that's on the way...I think the next batch that's on the way are pretty good!

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