Friday 3 February 2012

042 - Character Design Stuff

Here's two weeks worth of character design.  Each week we design a character with a certain characteristics in a certain style, and pose someone else's character from the previous week.

This pose came out alright.  Fun style to draw in.

My timid henchman in a sort of Disney style.

I even tried colouring it!  Ya, colouring isn't really my thing...yet!

Pose from the next week.  Reminded me a bit of Stich.  I think I kept this pretty close to the model I was going from.  I realized that both my poses are in mid jump, so next pose...on the ground.

This one was supposed to be a teenage Victorian era, poor girl, in a Stephen Silver style.  A few things I'd like to change...but...maybe later.  And she's supposed to be holding one of those chimney sweep dealies...not a mace.